human trafficking prayer

Dear Lord, open eyes and hearts to the truth about human trafficking in the sex industry; that its roots grow deep and strong in societies that turn away from you.

We Pray for the victims of sex trafficking whose basic human rights are denied as they are degraded and subjected to violence; as they are bought for one man’s pleasure and sold for another man’s profit. Keep your hand of protection on them, Lord. Reveal to them your love and their value.

We pray, as well, for traffickers who steal and destroy countless young lives across our nation. May they be aware of the impact of their crimes, and be filled with conviction for the violence they perpetrate. Stop them, Lord, when they won’t stop themselves. Intervene on behalf of their victims.

We pray, too, for the buyers who fuel the demand for prostituted women and
children; whose abuse leaves scars reaching from the surface of the skin to the depths of the soul. We pray that these perpetrators will understand the harm, and that our society will no longer tolerate this behaviour.

We pray that our nation will turn away from evil, and that men and women will finally take a united stand on behalf of our exploited young people. We pray, oh Lord, that you will heal our land from the scourge of human trafficking, and that those impacted by the violence will find hope and healing in the one true Saviour, Christ Jesus.


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