safeguard program
MET offers support to victims of sex trafficking, by bringing community support around them through the difficulties of recovery; primarily in court during the process of testifying against their former trafficker through our SafeGuard program.
72% of victims are under the age of 25, many are without adequate support networks.
Police in Ontario reported 723 human trafficking violations from 2009-2016. Making up two-thirds of Canada wide violations.
The Greater Toronto Area, alone, makes up one-quarter of Canada wide numbers; with 272 violations reported.
Police agencies around the GTA agree these numbers are increasing.
72% of victims are under the age of 25, many without adequate support networks.
the need
Testifying against a trafficker in court can be intimidating, and overwhelming, especially when combined with the years of trauma that a victim-witness has suffered and will have to relive through the trial procedure.
Most victim-witnesses asked to testify feel inadequately equipped to handle the emotional and psychological burden, many fear for their personal safety.
MET steps in at this stage, providing safety, assurance, emotional support, and a barrier against intimidation with teams of carefully selected, properly trained, men and women.
Police agencies across the country agree that one of the primary issues they face when prosecuting
traffickers, is getting victims to openly testify in court.
An alarming number of human trafficking victims refuse to testify against their traffickers, while many who initially agree to testify never show up to court. This continuous trend is the result of a wide range of push and pull factors. From lack of support from family, friends, and community, fear of traffickers, mental health and addictions, victims feel alone in a legal process that often triggers and exacerbates the trauma they have lived through. This leaves
perpetrators of this heinous crime free to continue their business of exploitation in our communities, while victims remain in a cycle of trauma and fear.
Department of Justice Canada has stated “Protection services were identified as a pressing need for victims once they have managed to exit a trafficking situation… especially [for] those who agree to testify against their traffickers” (Victims of Trafficking in Persons: Perspectives from the Canadian Community Sector, 2005). There is a need for greater support, protection against intimidation, and assurance of personal safety for victim-witness being asked to testify against their traffickers.
Men Ending Trafficking’s SafeGuard program was born
out of this need.
MET has developed a comprehensive training program through the joint efforts of a dynamic team with diverse experiences and expertise, including:
- Street Youth Specialist with 32 years experience, 12 focused on human trafficking.
- An Ontario crown attorney.
- Canadian certified counsellor (CCPA) with 13 years experience working with human trafficking victims.
- Security specialist with 10 years experience.
- Certified Training and Development Professional.
Human trafficking survivor who works as a peer mentor with women exiting sexual exploitation.
This training creates teams of volunteers able to appropriately support victim-witnesses through legal proceedings under the leadership of front-line experts. With education on human trafficking and the Canadian legal framework, volunteers are trained in formations procedures designed to create a sense of safety and comfort for victim-witnesses. The impact of these teams cannot be understated as it fosters peace of mind and a sense of safety in
victims-witnesses, serves the interest of the justice system, and helps victims find closure which has been proven to be a major step in their recovery.
SafeGuard boasts a 100% success rate in victim-witnesses
testifying in court.
Our program has been recognized and endorsed by crown attorneys on the Provincial Human Trafficking Prosecution Team and is being requested by Victim-witnesses assistance programs, and law enforcement agencies across the GTA.

Men Ending Trafficking’s first ever court training for SafeGuard volunteers
- Supported 7 victim-witnesses through various court proceedings.
- Provided long term community connection, and support, through summer and winter programs each year.
- Educated thousands through awareness presentations given at schools,churches, community groups, government and non-government agencies.
- Joined Durham region’s anti-human trafficking coalition
- Formed long lasting agency partnerships to ensure each victim we work with is connected to the various long-term care options they need.
- Influenced legislation at the provincial and federal levels to ensure the protection of trafficking victims.